A rare, fascinating conversation that articulates the world we live in NOW–not 20 yrs ago

An unusual, astute, aware, accepting, authentic conversation between Seth Godin and Krista Tippett worth listening to and/or reading the transcript – over and over and over again. http://onbeing.org/program/seth-godin-art-noticing-and-then-creating/transcript/5004 or | Download a printable transcript here | They articulate and discuss the world we actually live in today, right now. Versus, the mind-numbing, out-of-touch, wishful thinking of …

Arts in the Berkshires in Winter

10X10 on North | Winter Arts Festival It’s the answer to the following vexing question: How do you get an audience for arts [– Wait. There’s more…] How do you attract an audience not just for “the arts” but [There’s still more, in case that’s not challenging enough for ya…] How do you attract an …